Awards 2016

Pheasants in the winter – how to keep their feed secure from scavengers

funkekunststoffe-pheasantWinters can be tough for pheasants – blowing snow and rain can clog or block their feeders. And they can lose up to 30% of their feed to mice, rats, crows, doves and others. Funke Kunststoffe has devised a way to keep the feed safe.

We developed four kinds of dosing elements, adapted to different feed grain sizes like maize, wheat and sunflower seeds,” says Dieter Jungmann, Director Drainage Products Division of Funke Kunststoffe.

The special dosing element releases the feed at the proper rate over time, and that took a lot of testing and optimising,” Jungmann adds.

It’s the first time the product is available in PVC-U, with unique plastic parts for the feeder, hopper as well as dosing element. The parts are welded and later push-fitted for assembly. Metal feeds are screwed into the plastic pipe.

As a longtime manufacturer of PVC-U pipes and fittings, Funke Kunststoffe had the experience to develop the feeder, making it from 93% PVC-U. And the feeder opens up a whole new market for the company.